Display Reports

"I didn't realise AdminBase could do that!"

Dashboards have become a very popular way of displaying KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators)

But did you know you can do this directly from your AdminBase data with Display Reports?

Display Reports make it possible to display live reporting on screen as an information tool for your staff. This could be sales statistics, outstanding service call analysis, contract sales reporting, order book detail. In fact, any reporting Adminbase can produce could be adapted to be used as a display report

The display report unlike other reports in Adminbase can be set to refresh automatically every few minutes allowing the reporting to run on a screen to display live statistics or information in real time.

What you need...

A PC running AdminBase

A connected external monitor

A custom report or series of reports showing the KPI's you want to display.

You sketch out the information you would like to display and we can create the reports for you. If your support package includes report designing there will be FOC. If it doesn't we can quote a price to create the report for you or speak to us about adding report designs to your support package.

You can find “Display Reports” within Settings > KPI Displays

Add any number of reports to be displayed, choose the order and put them on a continual cycle

Click “Customise" to add a report into the cycle.

Enter the report file name as found in your list of reports

Choose how quickly the report should be updated with the refresh option

Display reports are just one feature of AdminBase that can help streamline your business. For more information call us on 01283 551005 and or head over to our support site