Lead Views Explained

If you would like to hide some of these Views or re-order them please see Lead and Contracts Views Lists - Customising

Recently Viewed

As you go in and out of Leads a history is saved and you can see the ones you have looked at recently. The number of leads in the history is set in Settings → My Settings → General page

Live Views

All Alive

This is all leads that either have not yet had a demo / quote or have had a demo/quote and haven’t yet made a decision to go ahead

Yesterdays Appointments

Live Leads with an appointment yesterday

Tomorrows Appointments

Live Leads with an appointment tomorrow

Todays Appointments

Live Leads with an appointment today

Unassigned / Unappointed

Leads with either no appointment or not assigned to a salesperson

Result Missing

Leads that have an appointment but no demo information or result have been entered

Next Action Due

Leads with a next due date according to the selection made when selecting this view

Sales Area / Branch

All live leads for the chosen Sales Area / Branch

With Business Address

All live leads that have a business address

With Residential Address

All live leads with a residential address

By Lead Name

All leads for the selected name

Demo Views


Leads that have had a demo but haven't decided to go ahead yet


Leads that have sold

Sold (Contract not Created)

Leads that have sold but for which a contract has not yet been created


Leads that have had a demo but are not going ahead with you.

NOTE: You can sub divide you Dead leads by reason using additional results in Company Settings → Lead Settings

Sales Area / Branch

Leads for a Sales Area / Branch regardless of result


My Checklist

Leads with outstanding checklist items with action due by the logged in person

Checklist Selection

Leads with checklist items according to the selections made



All leads that did not have a demo or who would not arrange an appointment


Leads that you consider a potential for the future but that you do not want counted into your main leads system.

E.g. useful for imported lists of data you may have purchased

All (View Only)

All leads regardless of the results

Quick Search

A way to find a lead by name and address and postcode

Marketing Opt Ins

Leads that have specifically opted in to marketing from your company i.e. Hard opt in as opposed to soft opt ins which are assumed given they have contacted you for a quote etc