Home Screen Dashboard

Basic Version

This opening view of AdminBase gives an overview of what is happening in your company.

Here is a some details on where the data comes from and how it is calculated.

This Week

From Monday of the current week

This Month

From the 1st of the current month

This Year

From 1st January of the current year

Leads Section

New Leads

The count of leads entered into AdminBase with a lead date in this week, this month and this year


The count of leads with an appointment date in this week, this month and this year

Sales £

The net value of leads that have sold based on their result date.

NOTE: Normally the Demo Value in Leads is entered as a Gross figure (i.e. including VAT). If you enter your figures as Net of VAT then make sure you tick the setting “Demo Value Input is Net” in Company Settings Lead Settings so that the Home dashboard doesn't take VAT off the figures.

Lost £

The net value of leads that have been marked Dead. The result date is used to determine if they fall into this week, this month or this year.

Pending £

The net value of leads that are Alive i.e. have had a demo but not yet made a decision to go ahead. The demo date is used to determine if they fall into this week, this month or this year.

Contracts Section


The count of contracts with a contract date in this week, this month and this year, excluding any contracts marked cancelled.


The count of contracts with a final fitting date that starts in this week, this month and this year

Sold £

The net value (from the Finance tab) of contracts with a contract date in this week, this month and this year, excluding any contracts marked cancelled.

Fitted £

The net value (from the Finance tab) of contracts a final fitting date that starts in this week, this month and this year

Service Calls Section

New Calls

This is the count of service calls logged that do not have an appointment date and completed date


This is the count of incomplete service calls that have an appointment booked for today or in the future


This is the count of all service calls that do not have a completed date.

It is important to remember that keeping your individual lead and contract records up to date at all times will lead to meaningful and accurate information on this dashboard.

NOTE: If you would prefer to hide this information from certain users this can be done using Settings → My Settings → Dashboards and taking the tick out of Show Opening Dashboard

If you need further help with this please contact support on 01283 551005 or support@abinitiosoftware.co.uk