Lead Advertising Costs

"I didn't realise AdminBase could do that!"


Like any business expense, advertising costs should be carefully evaluated to determine if the money is being spent wisely

Do you know how successful your latest advertising campaign was? Do you feel like you are spending too much money on certain types of advertising?


Did you know you can see a breakdown of advertising costs by sales and leads right from within AdminBase?

Go to Leads > Advanced > Marketing Costs... to enter any advertising costs and campaign dates


Choose the advertising campaign type, dates, and the cost of the campaign. The daily cost will be calculated automatically

In reports, run the report "Statistics - Lead Source" and choose the dates you want to include in the report

You can then see a breakdown of all your advertising costs for that period along with a cost per lead and cost per sale

To learn how to use lead advertising costs please see the training video “How to add marketing costs”


The lead statistics report helps you keep track of what you are spending on advertising the success rate of each campaign. Have questions? Call us on 01283 551005 and or head over to our support site