
"I didn't realise AdminBase could do that!"

A happy customer will recommend you to friends and family

But how do you keep track of your recommendations?

In AdminBase of course!

Offering rewards for successful recommendations is commonplace. Keeping track of all your recommendations is important if you want your happy customers to stay happy customers.

Within Leads you can record recommendations as they are received. You can then use this information to keep track of when recommendation payments need to be made and to who.
You can even produce personalised recommendation vouchers from AdminBase to be printed and sent to your customers with their guarantee!


  1. Select the lead that has been recommended by a previous customer > click "Advanced" > then click "Recommendations..."

2. Click search and choose the customer that recommended your company.

3. When you pay the customer, fill in the amount, who it was paid to and the date paid. 

Use the Recommendations Report within Contracts to see which recommendations resulted in a sale and when you need to reward the customer that gave the recommendation


Need help? Call us on 01283 551005 and we can talk you through the process, or head over to out support site