How to log a service call [Video]

In this training video, you can learn how to log a service call for a contract and create an appointment for a service engineer. It also includes how to print the Remedial Request report.

In Brief

  • Open a Contract and click on the Service Calls tab

  • Click New Call and enter the details of the call such as the item that is faulty, location, supplier and the problem code. If the problem code doesn't exist, right click and choose Add New Items to edit this list

  • Enter more details of the issue into the Defect field

  • Click the Diary button and open the Service Calls Diary. Navigate to the relevant date, click Unassigned and drag the appointment to the correct time and person. Back within the service call the details of this appointment are now included

  • Within the Parts tab, enter costs for the Call, Parts and Labour

  • Click Reports and print the Remedial Request to produce an action sheet for the Service Engineer to use