How to upload a document folder to a Lead or Contact [Video]

In this training video, you can learn how to upload a file to a lead or contract record. It will also show you how to name and access the file from within Adminbase

In Brief

  • First prepare your folder by selecting the files on your PC, right click and chose Send toCompressed (zipped) folder

  • Name this new zipped file according to what you would like the folder on the AdminBase server to be called (e.g. 1001 Name)

  • Navigate to a Lead or ContractDocs Tab, and click the Add Folder button, and navigate to the zipped file you have just created

  • Enter a description for this file to appear within the lead or contract record (e.g. Job Pack)

  • Selecting this file and clicking the View button will open this folder and show you the files contained within

  • You can then choose to View or Download a file, or Upload a new file into this folder