How to set up the AdminBase Task Board [Video]

In this training video, you can learn how to set up and customise the information in the AdminBase Task Board to show Lead and Contract cards.

In Brief

  • Before setting up the Task Board, make sure you have set up a Lead or Contract checklist *

  • Go to SettingsHome Screen and click OptionsTask Board to enable the Task Board

  • Create rows by clicking Add Rows and choose whether this row relates to Leads or Contracts

  • Add list within each Task Board and customise the Header, the information shown within each card, and which checklist actions this list relates too

  • Create multiple lists as needed. The cards within each list can be coloured based on different categories such as product interest or contract type. For help with this please contact AdminBase support

For more information on how to set up the AdminBase Task Board, including colouring, please see the page

*Please see the video, “How to set up the Leads checklist” or “How to use the contract checklist”