How to send an email from the diary [Video]

In this training video, you can learn how to send an appointment notification or ad-hoc email to a lead, customer or member of staff from the AdminBase diary

In Brief

  • Open a the Diary and navigate to an appointment

  • Right click on the appointment and choose Send email notification to Salesperson to send the appointment details through to the assigned salesperson.

  • The body of the email will automatically include the appointment details, so you just need to select the To address and the Signature to use

  • To send an appointment notification to the customer, right click on the appointment and chose Send email notification to Lead. Select the Appointment Letter report and click Email. This will generate an appointment reminder email with the Appointment Letter attached

  • Right clicking on an appointment and choosing Send Ad Hock Email will open a blank email window to sent to either the customer or a member of staff